The Closing ceremony & the Certificates awarding of the Healing the Wounds of trauma initial equipping programme was held on 16th of December 2018 at the Holy Cross Church, Gampaha with the participation of Catholic Clergy , Reverend Sisters and Lay leaders of the region. This programme was organized under the guidance of Rev. Fr. Claude Nonis, National Director , Family Apostolate & Training facilitator HWOT Classic . The main facilitators were Mrs. V. Shyamali Silva
Counselor, Archdiocesan Family Apostolate & Mr. H.F. Nihal Silva, Healing Group Facilitator
HWOT Classic (Adult).
All the participants were recognized as Apprentice Facilitators of HWOT Adult’s and the certificates were given to the participants by Rev. Priyantha Wijegoonawardena , General Secretary of the Ceylon Bible Society.
During the programme three facilitators shared their experiences and appreciated the ministry of the Ceylon Bible Society.